Simplify compliance with digital HR document management

Effortlessly navigate compliance hurdles with our streamlined document management solution, ensuring precision and ease in your document workflows.

Optimize contract management

Develop templates for consistent and precise employee contracts, seamlessly using them to generate contracts effortlessly.

Enhance efficiency by integrating digital signature technology into your contract management process.

A graphical presentation of documenthandling in Mindkey system

Enhance visibility and security

Upload documents across categories, customizing access by document type.

Securely store individual employee records, encompassing contracts, certificates, CVs, job descriptions, ID documents, and more.

Centrally grant access to company documents, ensuring all employees can easily retrieve resources like employee handbooks, policies, and procedures.

Seamless access to company documents

Empower employees to effortlessly view documents from their profiles.

Conduct quick searches across the entire organization for efficient document retrieval.

Easily control access permissions to tailor document availability as needed.

Experience the power of Mindkey

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